AO Solutions

 AO Solutions - 宏惠光電股份有限公司

產品名稱 : AO Solutions
產品說明 :
CIAO is the go-to telescope adaptive optics solution for SATCOM and Astronomy. By removing static aberrations due to mirrors misalignment, thermal or gravity effects and by reducing the effect of air turbulence, CIAO improves the resolution of images or increases the coupling efficiency in a single mode fiber. It is available in visibile and in SWIR.

MicAO 3DSR Adaptive Optics Systems is the first plug & click adaptive optics device dedicated to 3D single molecule localization microscopy techniques. By correcting aberrations, MicAO 3DSR restores near-diffraction-limited resolution and axial symmetry of the PSF. As a result, the number of detected photons is increased, which in turn improves localization precision in all three dimensions.

The AO kit ILAO Star is an association of A HASO wavefront sensor for a simple, precise and reliable measurement of the wavefront,
An ILAO STAR deformable mirror for a smooth and stable correction, WaveTune software for a total control of the operations, and PharAO (Phase Retrieval algorithm) for the ultimate correction.

AOKit Bio is a set of adaptive optics components composed of a wavefront sensor, either HASO4 First or HASO4 SWIR, a deformable mirror or phase modulator, and WaveTune adaptive optics software.

– Easy to install add-on for ground-based telescopes from f/22 to f/8 aperture, 200mm up to 1m diameter
– VIS or SWIR operation
– Fast low light Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor, 1kHz in visible, even faster in SWIR 
– Internal source allows a very easy and simple auto-calibration
– Adjustable tip-tilt off-axis ball point for optical alignment
– Mirror response time: 5ms
– Single mode fiber holder for white light interferometry, spectroscopy  of FSO applications. 
– Corrects aberrations and restores diffraction-limited PSF
– Delivers best 2D and 3D localization precision for PALM/STORM imaging
– Doubles the number of detected photons and improves localization precision
– High temporal stability of the correction
Key advantages of Adaptive Optics KIT 
– Reliable adaptive optics solutions for ultra-high intense lasers
– All the main components of an adaptive optics system from a single supplier
– Makes the most of software functionalities, including security options
– HASO4 First or HASO4 SWIR
– Dedicated  software
– Wavekit SDK
– mu-DM, MirAO 52e/52es or any compatible DM or phase modulator