Admesy Steropes-HDX
Admesy Steropes-HDX
產品型號:Admesy Steropes-HDX
Obtaining good measurement results requires good and stable lighting. With this in mind Admesy developed the Steropes Halogen light source, which is a stable, accurate light source controlled by a current stabilisation circuit. With the Steropes halogen the user is certain to have a light output at +/- 0,1% / 0C accuracy. Combined with our colorimeters or spectrometers the stabilized light of the Steropes offers the best measurement results. The Steropes Halogen is currently available with Admesy’s M8 fixed position fibre connector for connecting with reflective probes, fibress and other accessories and as calibration version.
• Ultra-stable light source with internal current regulation
• USB and RS232 communication interfaces controlled light output
• USBTMC standard device, works with NI-VISA or other USBTMC compliant drivers
• Stand-alone mode available
• Mechanical shutter
• Optional blue enhanced light output
• Standard, long life or high power mode
• Standard in 20W