Telecom Photonic Measurements

 Telecom Photonic Measurements

產品名稱 : Telecom Photonic Measurements
產品說明 :
If you’re involved in any kind of photonic measurements in Telecom applications, you already know that it can be challenging. The measurements need to account for things like:

• Wide dynamic range – powers from pW up to several W
• For free space beams – possibly widely diverging beams
• For fiber transport - losses as the beam enters and emerges from a fiber

Ophir offers a range of solutions, depending of course on what parameters you need to measure in Data Communications applications. We offer photodiode-based power sensors for collimated beams, Integrating-Sphere based sensors for both diverging and collimated beams, and a variety of accessories such as Fiber Optic Adapters. There are also Beam Analysis solutions, including scanning slit as well as camera based beam profilers, and a full range of optical accessories.

產品型號 產品說明 Aperture Size Spectral Range 價格(NTD) 產品數量
0 IS1.5-VIS-FPD-800 Multi-functional Integrating Sphere for VIS Ø20 mm 400 to 1100nm -
1 IS-1-2W Calibrated 1” integrating sphere for up to 2W Ø5 mm 220-1100 nm -
2 3A-IS Integrating sphere for divergent beams to 3W Ø12 mm 350-1100 nm -
3 3A-IS-IRG Integrating sphere for divergent beams to 3W Ø12 mm 800-1700 nm -
4 IS6-D-VIS 5.3" integrating sphere divergent for VIS radiation Ø26 mm 400-1100 nm -
5 PD300-IR Germanium Photodiode Sensor Ø5 mm 700-1800 nm -
6 PD300-IRG InGaA Photodiode Sensor Ø5 mm Filter in: 950-1630 nm ; Filter out: 900-1630 nm -
7 IS1.5-IRG-FPD-800 Multi-functional Integrating Sphere for NIR Ø20 mm 940-1640nm -