Medium Power Thermal Sensors - 100mW to 300W
Medium Power Thermal Sensors - 100mW to 300W
產品名稱 : Medium Power Thermal Sensors - 100mW to 300W
產品說明 :
Apertures from 50 to 65 mm. Sensors for larger beams and higher powers. Compact sensors for intermittent use.
Medium Power Thermal Sensors - Apertures 50 to 65mm, 100mW ~ 300W
Sensor | Features | Aperture | Spectral Range | Power Range | Energy Range |
L40(150)A | CW to 35W, intermittent to 150W, large aperture | Ø50mm | 0.19-20μm | 100mW-150W | 100mJ-4000J |
L40(150)A-LP1 | As above, high damage threshold for long pulses | Ø50mm | 0.25-2.2μm, 2.94μm | 100mW-150W | 100mJ-4000J |
L40(150)A-EX | As above for excimer lasers | Ø50mm | 0.15-0.7μm, 10.6μm | 100mW-150W | 100mJ-200J |
L50(150)A | CW to 50W, intermittent to 150W | Ø50mm | 0.19-20μm | 100mW-150W | 100mJ-4000J |
L50(300)A | CW to 50W, intermittent to 300W, very large aperture | Ø65mm | 0.19-20μm | 400mW-300W | 200mJ-300J |
L50(300)A-LP2-65 | As above, high damage threshold for CW and long pulses | Ø65mm | 0.25-2.2μm | 400mW-300W | 200mJ-300J |
L50(300)A-PF-65 | CW to 50W, intermittent to 300W, large beam short pulses | Ø65mm | 0.15-20μm | 400mW-300W | 200mJ-300J |
L50(300)A-IPL | For gel coupled IPL sources | Ø65mm | 0.5-1.3μm | 400mW-300W | 120mJ-300J |
產品型號 | 產品說明 | 價格(NTD) | 產品數量 | |
0 | L40(250)A-BB-50 | Medium Power Thermal Sensors for General Purpose - 300mW to 250W | - | |
1 | L40(250)A-LP2-50 | Medium Power Thermal Sensors for Long Pulse Lasers - 100mW to 150W | - | |
2 | L40(200)A-EX-50 | Medium Power Thermal Sensors for Excimer Laser - 300mW - 200W | - | |
3 | L50(250)A-BB-50 | Medium Power Thermal Sensors for General Purpose - 300mW to 250W | - | |
4 | L50(300)A | Medium Power Thermal Sensors for General Purpose - 400mW to 300W | - | |
5 | L50(300)A-LP2-65 | Medium Power Thermal Sensors for Long Pulse Lasers - 400mW to 300W | - | |
6 | L50(300)A-PF-65 | Medium Power Thermal Sensors for Large beam short pulsed lasers - 400mW to 300W | - | |
7 | L50(300)A-IPL | Medium Power Thermal Sensors for Intense Pulsed Light IPL - 400mW to 300W | - | |
8 | L40(150)A-IPL | Medium Power Thermal Sensors for Gel Coupled IPL Radiation | - |