MESOS Faraday Isolators - 4500nm to 4600nm

 MESOS Faraday Isolators - 4500nm to 4600nm

產品名稱 : MESOS Faraday Isolators - 4500nm to 4600nm
產品說明 :
EOT’s MESOS line of Faraday devices build on over 30 years of experience in successfully protecting lasers from destabilizing and potentially damaging back reflections. The MESOS line has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the 4.5 µm (4500 nm to
4600 nm) laser market.

Our MESOS rotators and isolators deliver industry-best reliability while providing superior isolation and maintaining very high transmission.

EOT\'s MESOS products rely on the Faraday effect from high Verdet constant, low absorption materials to rotate the plane of linearly polarized light in the forward direction and an additional 45° of non-reciprocal rotation in the reverse direction. When these Faraday rotators are placed between crossed polarizers, they can be used as a Faraday isolator. The MESOS is available as a rotator or an isolator.

● Completely passive; no tuning required
● Stable performance to 2.5 W
● Rugged design suitable for harsh operating environments
● All isolators contain escape ports; all rejected beams are deflected at 90°

● Environmental Sensing
● Spectroscopy
● Medical Systems, Research, and Device Manufacturing

產品型號 產品說明 Wavelength Clear Aperture Waveplate 價格(NTD) 產品數量
0 110-10316-0001 MESOS Faraday Isolator 4500nm - 4600nm (Wavelength must be specified on order) 4 mm N/A -
1 110-10316-0004 MESOS Faraday Isolator 4500nm - 4600nm (Wavelength must be specified on order) 4 mm Yes -