Laser Window Shades
Laser Window Shades

Product name : Laser Window Shades
Description :
Enclose window areas with Kentek's asthetically pleasing and functional Laser Safety Window Shades. Constructed of Kentek’s FLEX-GUARD® laser-rated safety material, these roller shades are durable and combine opaque laser protection with the convenience of a shade.
● Protection against scattered and diffuse radiation between 190 and 11,000nm
● ANSI Z136 ratings range from 25 to 250 W/cm²
● CE 12254 certified
● Meet requirements for NFPA 701, ASTM E84 and CSFM TITLE 19 CCR 1237
● Custom-designed and manufactured for your laser area and requirements
Model | Description | Application | Laser Rated | Color | Price(USD) | Quantity | |
0 | SLS-25W-B | Roller Shade | Low power | 25W/cm² for 100 seconds | Black | - | |
1 | SLS-50W-W | Roller Shade | Medium power | 50W/cm² for 100 seconds | White | - | |
2 | SLS-100W-B | Roller Shade | Regular power | 100W/cm² for 100 seconds | Black | - | |
3 | SLS-100W-L | Roller Shade | Regular power | 100W/cm² for 100 seconds | Blue | - | |
4 | SLS-250W-B | Roller Shade | Plus power | 250W/cm² for 100 seconds | Black | - |