GouMax Type II dual-channel Laser Scan Analyzer (LSA-200S) product is a multi-function power meter module. It is called "Laser Scan Analyzer" because LSA-200S module is usually used in various applications to measure powers in conjunction with laser scanning.sweeping. It consists of high-speed power meters used to measure powers with synchronized high-speed laser sweeping. Like LSA-200A, LSA-200S can provide wavelength reference. Like LSA-200B, LSA-200S provide two test channels. Specifically, LSA-200S module can provide the following functions:
● It can be simply used as two-channel power meters to measure static laser output powers
● Built-in wavelength reference
● It measures powers of high-speed sweeping laser
● It measures wavelength of sweeping laser and provides wavelength reference
● It provides power reference for relative power measurements